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    Entertainers caught with cannabis have had to do a “Galileo” type recanting to stay out of jail or to retain their television, endorsement, or nightclub contracts, etc. Some have had to go on television and denounce marijuana to stay out of jail (e.g., Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary, David Crosby, and actress Linda Carter). Our courts and legislators have sold our American “guaranteed” Bill of Rights, written on cannabis, to secure a cannabis-free world.

    “Don’t suspect your neighbor, turn him in.” Any hear say is to be reported. That which revolted us as children—the spectre of Nazis and Commies asking everyone to spy and inform on one another; Stalin’s secret police taking persons from their homes at night to administer stupefying drugs and extort information; a government spreading lies and creating a police state—has now become our everyday Amerikan reality.

    And those who dare to stand against the tide of oppression face the prospect of financial ruin.

the authorized on-line version of Jack Herer’s “The Emperor Wears No Clothes”
text from “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” © Jack Herer
CD-ROM and web presentation © 0=2

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